What is the Value Builder Score?

When a business owner decides it is time to sell their business, they may be in the dark about what the business is worth, or even if it is a viable business to sell. A business owner may also feel their business has more potential value but doesn’t understand how to drive it in the right direction. Hallmark Business Brokers can help with this using the Value Builder™ Assessment.

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What is a Value Builder™ Score?

The Value Builder™ Score is part of the Assessment and provides a numerical score to your business while comparing it to others and baseline businesses. It focuses on eight key business drivers described in John Warrillow’s book “Built to Sell.” Businesses with a Value Builder™ Score of 80 or higher were found to increase their business valuation by up to 71% versus baseline businesses with scores of 70 or lower.

The system consists of several modules which assess the value and salability of your business. The Value Builder™ Score is one module and looks at your business from the perspective of a potential buyer. Once you have completed the Value Builder™ Score module, you can decide if you wish to continue with other modules to further enhance your business value, including:

  • Scalability Finder to identify products or services you can scale up the fastest
  • The Customer Score to benchmark your customers’ satisfaction with your business
  • Your Growth Quad to pinpoint products/services with the greatest potential and lowest investment risk
  • Automatic Customer Builder to identify sources of recurring revenue
  • Monopoly Control to help identify marketing messages to best differentiate you from your competitors

Hallmark Business Brokers are certified Value Builder™ assessors. We can help you determine if your business is getting the most value out of the products or services you sell, and whether there are opportunities to create additional value or revenue streams to better position you against your competitors and strengthen your sales position when you are ready to move on. Contact Hallmark Business Brokers today for a consultation.

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